What is happening?

You may notice that this website has not been updated in a long while. It is unlikely to be updated regularly for the foreseeable future.

Years of barely treated depression has ravaged my brain. Mental health services in the UK are poor, and my options for treatment are limited by circumstance. Poor experiences with community mental health teams in the past have left me extremely pessimistic about my chances of being taken seriously should I see them again, so I am desperately hoping that my stimulants and SSRIs will be enough, alongside whatever therapy I can get from the third sector... but it is difficult to remain hopeful.

There is a strong possibility that the theming of this website will be completely revamped, with the travel theme instead ditched for something more personal, centred around a blog. Don't expect much CSS from me, though. I feel right now as though my hippocampus is only visible under a microscope.

I am tremendously grateful for the support of those close to me, although we may be far apart physically.

Here are some resources that you may find helpful if you are also struggling:

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